
My photo
Cyberjaya, Malaysia
I'm happily turning 25. Don't too close, I'm scarier than your mother.



Sunday, July 25, 2010

oh oh oh my boboi..

happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you.. happy birthday tu my kiut BOBOI... happy birthday to youuuuu!!! waahahahah.. happy birthday to my beloved friend, wan nash.. tiba2 teringat mira ckp.. "makin tua kau ni makin bodoh lak.." hahahaha.. wan, kitorg gurau2 aje tauuu.. tak bermakna time beday ko, mulot kitorang terkunci. takde maknenyeh..hahahhah..

so, this is wan nash.. my lovely Boboi.. :)

well, we celebrate wan's birthday at Fullhouse, Sunway with jia, mira, fara and komal (tibe2 ade dgn baju jawanyaa..hahahha) best giler! cantekkk giler environment die. theme Fullhouse ni sememangnye Korea. rasa2 nya sape yg follow cerite Fullhouse mmg 'rase' giler la kann.. environment die sebijik mcm dlm cerite tu. semua putih plus siap ade katil lagi youuuu.. bezenya cuma Rain tade jee.. hahhahaha.. melampauuu lah kan klu Rain ade.. and one of the best part kan, menu list die, dorg buat mcm magazine korea.. tulisan die mmg aku tak phm la kan.. aku tgk gambo jek..ekekeke.. masuk2 je kedai tu, dh terdgr lagu Kara,Luppin.. ape lagi aku dgn jia dh terkinja2 mcm ape dh..hahahha.. ada mak kesah? hanye org2 terdekat je yg tahu mcmane obsesnye aku and jia dgn lagu2 korea..hahhahahha.. pastu aku dgn jia dipersalahkan bila fara pon dh start dgr lagu korea.. :( well, sumpah kitorg rase best giler spend time together. tak habes2 nak gelak je kannn... nnt nak pergi lagi.. kan sayaanggss ku? hahahha..

faithful, kind and always true
reassuring through and through
insightful in your wise advice
enthusiastic, sweet and nice
noted for your smiling face
dear friend, no one could take your place

it's such a lovely thing for me
to have you as a friend
you're someone who understands us
on whom i can depend
you see and know my faults
and like me anyway
and you never seem to take offence
at anything i say
your friendship is a precious gift
and i will always treasure
you, who shares my grief, my joy
my heartache and my pleasure
have a really lovely birthday..

p/s : we L.O.V.E you wan nash..
jap! mcm serabut je entry aku kali ni. hahahah..
mood : penat
reason: baru balik dr JB, working working..
result : entry serabai tp nak buat jugak untuk wan.. :)

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